
Another  summary from Mr Green:

We're on our 6th winning week for the New Year

and went 23-12 for the week


We went 12-9-2 The pushes many clubmembers won depending on lines and/or buying the .5 point.

12/16/24 This past week we went 21-12-1

It's true- Blade is back. When NJ legalized gambling he moved to LV, but we still kept in touch. He joined a small heard, and when I did this to myself right as official FB started

(and now I know Augie J wasn't just blowing me off )

Blade came to my rescue to get the plays out to the club members (I sent him the above pic with "HELP ME!").

He's been sending me plays daily since and the deal is official. I send them along with Brian's guys to my wiseguy and

Viola- we win! see below write ups from Mr. Green whose been a club member since the 90s.

Rememer guys, Blade is and always has been a $ runner, not a handicapper. When his "group" has serious dough on the line, that's what we get- the BIG plays.

100 through Bowls. Paypal to my email.

ok, I'll go 195 thru SB '25 only via paypal


Email me how you want to get plays- My bad for waiting until the last second...

BTW, I went to the ER because I fell and thought I broke my ribs. Nope. However, the scan found "incidentals".  C2 through C7 in my neck all fractured. I went home that night in spite of them wanting to keep me for observation (I fell on Tuesday and went to ER on Friday because PT  told me to go)- no way I'm sticking around sick people. AND, in spite of my diligence of wearing a mask, 3 days later I got a 103.8° fever.

Read on.......

Thanksgiving- Bears, Cowboys

Wed Nov 27 Big play Mich hoops

Tues  Nov 26 & we went 4-0

In response to Mr.Green's question, Blade's group plays EVERYTHING

They were solely responsible for the 3 OE on Michigan hoops last Wed.... however, his group also had the tiny play on Dolphins last nite- but it was as a joke. They didn't like the game and were going to pass but one of his guys said "hey, the mush just told me he was on Packers and had intel on them due to the line" (I'm paraphrazing) so they all put like $20 bucks on the Dolphins just because they wanted action on the game. Our own NFL guy was a pass, but hearing Blade telling me the story about the mush & laughing his ass off, I had to share that as a 1 unit play, so  a Thanksgiving 2-0 day was a +5 unit day.

If that ever happens again (doubtful) I will tell you guys straight out that Blade is playing a game as a goof, or just pass. He's just like Brian in that he cannot ignore action- even when he's knows it's BS.

We will call it "Blade goof game" or I'll put 1/2 unit on it.

Mon Nov 25
We started the week 0-1 on Monday then we went 1-2 on Tuesday, we were 1-3 going into Wednesday, looked like a losing week then on Wednesday we went 2-0, Thursday we went 2-0 and Friday we went 3-1, we were 7-4 and up 11 Units heading into Saturday, then we started our noon games going 2-2. All of a sudden you gave out a open ender and the rest of the night we went 10-1, so Saturday we ended the day going 12-3. We were 39 units ahead heading into Sunday, we went 4-3.
We had a great week, we went 24-10 and won 42 Units for the week, thats a great week heading into Thanksgiving week, college football season is coming to a end, I think this is the last week then next weekend is Championship weekend, then I think the following week starts the playoffs. 
We had a great College season this year.

Mon Nov 18

We started the week off with a win then went 1-2 on Tuesday, went 2-1-1 on Wednesday, hit our open ended play on Thursday, went 4-4 on Friday, Saturday we lost our open ended play and went 5-7 for the day, Sunday we had a losing day going 3-4, but we won our open ended that day. 

\We went 17-18-1 we ended up losing 2 Units

Mon Nov 11

Mr Green:

We went 10-8 for the day hitting 2 open enders, I typed in 10 but it looks like the 0 didn't print, we lost 2 games during the day, Miami Florida and Cincy and won the rest including 2 open enders, the night card did bad, the only winner we won 2 games at night Penn State and Utah. 
We went 23-18-2 for the week and we won 16 Units

Mon Nov 4

We broke even last week, we went 19-19-1

Mon Oct 28

We went 16-21-1 for the week

Mon Oct 14

Mr. Green:

We started the week off last Monday going 2-1, Tuesday we went 0-1, Wednesday we split 1-1, Thursday we had a losing day going 2-3, Friday we went 1-2-1
We were 6-8-1 going into Saturday. we played 22 games that day we went 15-7 we won 24 Units that day.

We played 9 games on Sunday and went 7-2 winning another 15 Units.
We went 22-9 over the weekend winning 39 Units for the two days. 
We went 28-17-1 for the week winning 33 Units for the week. 
We won 58 Units the last two weeks

Mon Oct 7

Mr. Green:

We had a really good week, We split on Monday, took Tuesday off went 0-1 on Wednesday, had a good day on Thursday we went 3-1, losing day on Friday, then Saturday was here and we played 21 games, we went 12-7-2 and won 15 Units that day, Then we finished strong on Sunday going 4-1. We were hot Saturday and Sunday, we went 16-8-2.   
We had a good week, we went 21-12-2 for the week winning 25 Units

September wrap up for Mr Green

We started the week with a open ender win on the Falcons, then went 1-2 on Tuesday, 1-1 on Wednesday, 1-2 on Thursday (but we won another open ender on the Jets). 2-1 on Friday, Had a huge Saturday 12-7 on the day, We hit another open ender that day. We finished the week yesterday going 5-6, but once again we won another open enders on the Eagles. 
We went 4-0 on open enders this past week. 
We finished the week going 23-19, plus 17 Units for the week, and going 4-0 with open ended plays. That's not bad after 3 weeks of FB: 1st week win, 2nd break even, then 3rd win again!

Finally FB '24 - '25!

Why didn't I get my advertising Specials out?

Guys- it's always something.....

We are winning, it's just that I don't have time to email,


You all know me, and you all know the deals- since they haven't changed since 1994.

Email or call (email is better because I sometimes forget to take the "Do Not Disturb" off- oops).

Mon March 25, 2024

Friday was a huge winning day- going 9-2. Sat  3-3 and Sunday 6-2

+ won our Open Ender

Playoff wrap up 1/29/24

Well, we lost the last OE of the football season on the Ravens, but we leave behind one of thebest Open Ender winning season we've EVER had..... since Brian invented the OE. Can't complain about that. Had a great bowl and playoff season, and made up for the Ravens loss on the Lions & the Over.

Now we focus on college hoops, which has also been winning this season. Club Members know this- we may have a rocky start, but as Brian said "the cream always rises".

Monday 1/22/24 week wrap up from Mr. Green:

We started last week on Monday going 1-1 but the winner was a Open Ender, Tuesday we had a great day going 4-1, Wednesday and Thursday we had losing days, but the weekend came and we went 2-0 Friday night, then 5-1 on Saturday (2-0 in NFL) and 2-1 Sunday NFL.

Wild Card Weekend we went 3-3,

but 2 of the winners were Open Enders

Finishing the season Open Ender on Michigan

12/17/23 OE Saints win

12/16/23 OE Lions win

12/14/23 Open Ender on Raiders win

12/11/23 another OE win

11/24/23 official count of OEs

From Mr Green:

Regular Season
College football we're 5-2-1 on Open Enders
NFL we're 6-1
We're 11-3-1 this year with the Open Enders

This is the count from Regular Season. Pre season is somewhere below.

 Saturday came and we went 6-3-1, then Sunday we did the same going 6-3-1, so we went 12-6-2 

Not bad at all

9/28/23 Mr Green here with a message (it's actually just an email to me) it concerns the clubmembers:

Hello, hope your week is going good. I just went on the computer and went to your sharpplays page and you said you had to ask me about the open enders, Since the NFL season started we're 3-0 on open enders, We're 2-0 in College and 1-0 in the NFL. I know Saturday game was close but we did win it. Your players need to know how to bet games. You always buy the half of point remember Brian always told us never get beat by the hook, If the line is 7 always by a point and make it minus 6, if were getting the points by a point and make it plus 8. The same goes with 10 and 14 and 17 and 21, If we have a favorite and the line is 3 or below always play the game on the money line. You will win more games when you bet smarter.

OK-TLM back- I do remember brian always saying that hook thing, and also saying "it only cost you if we lose"- I guess we don't lose when we play that way.

9/24/23 and the OEs for regular season are 3-0 so far

If you scroll down, you'll see the OE tally and preseason stats. I suck at updates (just listen to the consensus phone). The only people who are on my mind are the club members and handicappers. I'm too busy getting the plays out, and thinking about what comes next. On the Weekends I post the general consensus, and I post my favorite Philly Guy throughout the week all year round. By the time I get around to the "free consensus on tape" as Brian called it, that was way back when computers weren't a "thing"-  Brian would get his messages and consensus out via the old landline phone.

Remember the club play line and pass codes? You would have to call a landline and enter your passcode to get the plays. Well, technology finally caught us all.

Our handicappers- the club cappers- insisted I get a smart phone. And paypal.

Here is an interesting fact- my relatives in "The Nederlands" (I still call it Holland) do NOT have bank checks anymore.

You literally can not deposit a paper check into your bank account in the Nederlands. That concept blows me away.

OK, well here is the point to all this.... I am giving up on the free consensus phone.

You want free stuff, just come here -my website.

You want to hear my voice? My sexy deep voice?

The Lovely Michele's voice will only be heard if you call me- call the office phone and speak with me personally. 201-818-3028. And to answer your question- no, you cannot call me for the free consensus. Only club members, potential new club members, and the old club members who are still my friends; and of course handicappers can call and speak with me personally.

Anyone and everyone can still send me an email.

9/2/23 zero dark 5.....

And as usual, no matter how many times I beg old club members who just do Foot Ball to PLEASE not wait until the last minute to rejoin. I even run specials beginning in August- join for the month of Sept and start today.

But no one listens. No one's been listening to me for almost 30 years so why I thought this year may be different is my bad. But don't worry, I got you all on and you'll get the plays. In between the games I'll give you my paypal address, which is my email address written all over my website, or send me another email and I'll give you my mailing info. It's easy to go to post office, spend 3 bucks on PO check and 5 - 10 bucks (I think) for 2 day mail with tracking. If I know you- personal check if fine.

The only guys I did not turn on are people I don't know- When I get your paypal or tracking number I will turn you on- baby.

(Only to my regulars: You guys know where to mail your personal checks.)


Preseason hits almost every Open Ender

Club goes 27-17

8/27 our OEon Texans made up for the hideous Navy 4th q

8/26 Our OE depended on Navy getting just 1 touch down, and they couldn't

8/25 OE Titans. Reg- Panthers, Chargers

8/24 Reg- Steelers, Colts

8/21 OE Commanders

8/19 OE Dolphins, Raiders

8/11 OE Dolphins

C'mon guys.... what are you waiting for?

OK- you've been asking so here it is.....

This is part of what I've been teasing you all about- My conversations with many handicappers. The very well known & respected ones I use in my football consensus.

These football handicappers had a lot to say about the change in sports gambling since Covid and Legalized gambling.

I won't get into the minutia, but

"Less is More"

Brian would be mortified. He'd say-

"300  possible plays on Saturday in college football and I'm holding back, keeping it under 20 plays!"

This is part of an actual conversation I had with Brian when a new guy joined and asked why Brian gave out so many games on Saturday. He then told me that if the guy calls to complain again about the amount of plays to tell him that this club is not for him, refund his money, and kick him the fuck out.

"Inside information cannot be depended on like it used to"

There are Millions of reasons why.

To be continued.....